Select publications see Google Scholar for full list
Fuhrmeister Lab Publications
Ong, A. Q.; Philo, S. E.; Taylor, A.; Hu, R.; Meschke, J. S.; Fuhrmeister, E. R. Targeted Sequencing of CTX-M Alleles Encoding for Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases in Seattle Area Wastewater. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2024.
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Cassel, S.; Fenelon, H. T.; Rott, E.; Blazes, L.; Willess, L. M.; Baines, A. E.; Ramirez, V.; Kauber, K.; Rabinowitz, P.; Burbick, C. R.; Fuhrmeister, E. R. Antimicrobial Prescription Practices and Stewardship in Washington State Small and Mixed Animal Veterinary Medicine. Zoonoses and Public Health.
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Kawabe, H.; Manfio, L.; Pena, S. M.; Zhou, N. A.; Bradley, K. M.; Chen, C.; McLendon, C.; Benner, S. A.; Levy, K.; Yang, Z.; Marchand, J. A.; Fuhrmeister, E. R. Harnessing Non-Standard Nucleic Acids for Highly Sensitive Icosaplex (20-Plex) Detection of Microbial Threats. medRxiv September 10, 2024, p 2024.09.09.24313328.
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Prior to Research Group
Fuhrmeister, E. R.; Kim, S.; Mairal, S. A.; McCormack, C.; Chieng, B.; Swarthout, J. M.; Paulos, A. H.; Njenga, S. M.; Pickering, A. J. Context-Seq: CRISPR-Cas9 Targeted Nanopore Sequencing for Transmission Dynamics of Antimicrobial Resistance. bioRxiv September 12, 2024, p 2024.09.12.612745.
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Bliss SS, Abraha EA, Fuhrmeister ER, Pickering AJ, Bascom-Slack CA. Learning and STEM identity gains from an online module on sequencing-based surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in the environment: An analysis of the PARE-Seq curriculum. PLoS One. 2023 Mar 10;18(3):e0282412. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282412. PMID: 36897842; PMCID: PMC10004520.
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Fuhrmeister, E. R., Harvey, A. P., Nadimpalli, M. L., Gallandat, K., Ambelu, A., Arnold, B. F., ... Pickering, A. J. Evaluating the relationship between community water and sanitation access and the global burden of antibiotic resistance: an ecological study. The Lancet Microbe, 2023, 4(8), e591-e600. doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(23)00137-4.
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Nadimpalli ML, Lanza VF, Montealegre MC, Sultana S, Fuhrmeister ER, Worby CJ, Teichmann L, Caduff L, Swarthout JM, Crider YS, Earl AM, Brown J, Luby SP, Islam MA, Julian TR, Pickering AJ. Drinking water chlorination has minor effects on the intestinal flora and resistomes of Bangladeshi children. Nat Microbiol. 2022, 620-629. doi: 10.1038/s41564-022-01101-3.
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Swarthout, J.M.*; Fuhrmeister, E.R.*; Hamzah, L.; Harris, A.R.; Gurley, E.S.; Satter, S.M.; Boehm, A.B.; Pickering, A.J. Differential overlap in human and animal fecal microbiomes and resistomes in rural versus urban Bangladesh. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2022, 88 (14), e00759-22.
*co-first authors
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Harvey, A.P.*; Fuhrmeister, E.R.*; Cantrell M.; Swarthout, J.M.; Nadimpalli, M.; Powers, J.; Pitol, A.K.; Julian, T.R.; Pickering, A.J. Longitudinal monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 RNA on high touch surfaces in a community setting. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2021, 8 (2), 168-175. DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00875
*co-first authors
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One of ES&T Letters Best Papers of 2021
Fuhrmeister, E. R.; Larson, J. R.; Kleinschmit, A. J.; Kirby, J. E.; Pickering, A. J.; Bascom-Slack, C. A. Combating Antimicrobial Resistance Through Student-Driven Research and Environmental Surveillance. Front. Microbiol. 2021, 12, 126. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.577821.
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Fuhrmeister, E.R.; Ercumen, A.; Grembi, J.A.; Islam, M.; Pickering, A.J.;Nelson, K. L. Shared bacterial communities between soil, stored drinking water, and hands in rural Bangladeshi households. Water Res. X 2020, 9. DOI: 10.1016/J.WROA.2020.100056.
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Fuhrmeister, E.R.; Ercumen, A.; Pickering, A.J.; Jeanis, K.M.; Crider, Y.; Ahmed, M.; Brown, S.; Alam, M.; Sen, D.; Islam, S.; Kabir, M.H.; Islam, M.; Rahman, M.; Kwong, L. H.; Arnold, B. F.; Luby, S. P.; Colford, J. M.; Nelson, K. L. Effect of sanitation improvements on pathogens and microbial source tracking markers in the rural Bangladeshi household environment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 54 (7), 4316–4326. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b04835.
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Fuhrmeister, E.R.; Ercumen, A.; Pickering, A.J.; Jeanis, K.M.; Ahmed, M.; Brown, S.; Arnold, B.F.; Hubbard, A. E.; Alam, M.; Sen, D.; Islam, S.; Kabir, M. H.; Kwong, L. H.; Islam, M.; Unicomb, L.; Rahman, M.; Boehm, A. B.; Luby, S. P.; Colford, J. M.; Nelson, K. L. Predictors of enteric pathogens in the domestic environment from human and animal sources in rural Bangladesh. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53 (17), 10023–10033. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b07192.
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Fuhrmeister, E.R.; Schwab, K.J.; Julian, T.R. Estimates of nitrogen, phosphorus, biochemical oxygen demand, and fecal coliforms entering the environment due to inadequate sanitation treatment technologies in 108 low and middle income countries. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49 (19), 11604–11611. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b02919
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Julian, T.R.; Islam, M.A.; Pickering, A.J.; Roy, S.; Fuhrmeister, E.R.; Ercumen, A.; Harris, A.; Bishai, J.; Schwab, K.J. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Escherichia coli isolated from feces, hands, and soils in rural Bangladesh using the Colilert Quanti-Tray System (IDEXX). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2015, 81 (5), 1735–1743. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03214-14
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